Saturday, August 2, 2014

Bound Together

So I've decided that I won't be doing two books for my current novel. I was never intending to use multiple books as a way of making more money off of the general public, so I'm not going to. Quite frankly, I find it very irritating that so many authors are making these short books that continue on forever and people have to keep buying more of them to figure out where it ends. If it annoys me, and I'm an author, I can only imagine how others feel. So I wont be making my readers suffer through another novel that leaves them hanging!!

 I'm not quite sure how long this novel will be yet, considering that I'm only just finishing the fourteenth chapter, but I will say that it wont be as short as my last one. I just want to share my writing with everyone and I want people to be able to say, "I just read a book by Ashley N. Pearce and it was amazing!".

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